AEW Rampage Results: Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter added to Grand Slam, Nick Wayne wins four-way

Image Credit: AEW

In the final episode of Rampage before AEW Grand Slam, five matches took place at the Mohegan Sun Arena. This week’s episode included the announcement of an upcoming singles match, a fast-paced four-way, and a hard-fought win for Mark Briscoe.

Here’s what went down:

Quick results

  1. Mark Briscoe def. Bryan Keith (12:21)
  2. Wheeler Yuta def. The Butcher (3:59)
  3. Hikaru Shida def. Harley Cameron (9:03)
  4. Roderick Strong & The Beast Mortos def. Joe Keys & Marcus Mathers (1:26)
  5. Nick Wayne def. Kip Sabian, Lio Rush & Rocky Romero (Four-Way) (10:47)

Mark Briscoe overcomes Bryan Keith

In the first of five matches on this week’s episode of Rampage, Mark Briscoe took on The Learning Tree’s Bryan Keith.

Briscoe scored a pair of big moves early in the match: He first came through the ropes with a kick to the head of Keith, who was at ringside. He then went flying off the ring apron for an elbow drop onto the floor.

Back in the ring, Briscoe landed chops after getting a two-count. Briscoe tossed Keith out of the ring again. He threw a couple more chops, then threw Keith into the steel stairs.

Briscoe placed a steel chair into the ring, setting it up as a launchpad for a dive to the outside. The dive was blocked by Keith, who got back into the ring. Keith scored a low blow, which the referee did not see. The illegal move earned Keith a near fall.

After Keith controlled the match for a few minutes, Briscoe started to get back into the fight. The ROH vet connected with a series of moves, building up to a superplex. Both on the feet, they traded chops. A series of reversals between the two concluded with a Uranage from Keith. 

Briscoe scored with a few more chops and strikes, landed a Spicolli Driver, then came up empty with a frogsplash. Keith tried for a double underhook move, then re-routed into a hard knee strike that caused a two-count.

Briscoe reversed a move in the corner and then connected with a lariat. He landed another lariat, then hit the J-Driller to win in 12 minutes.

A brawl broke out after the match, with Chris Jericho, Orange Cassidy, Big Bill, and Kyle O’Reilly getting involved. Jericho’s Learning Tree got the last laugh in this sequence, with Big Bill giving O’Reilly a huge chokeslam.

Wheeler Yuta makes quick work of The Butcher

Wheeler Yuta appeared in his second singles match since his turning point at All Out, facing off against The Butcher.

The Butcher got a jump on Yuta, attacking him before the match started. The match left the ring early, with The Butcher throwing Yuta onto the top of a barricade.

Back in the ring, Yuta started to come alive after eating a series of slaps from The Butcher. Yuta went running off the ropes to hit a shotgun dropkick, then scored with a series of clubbing blows in the corner.

Yuta scored a pair of German Suplexes, more than a dozen elbows to the head, and then put in a Cow Mutilation for the win. Yuta kept a hold of the submission long after the finish.

Backstage, the MxM Collection cut a promo on The Acclaimed. The team revealed that they stole a jacket of Max Caster’s and teased that they made an alteration to it.

Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter booked following Hikaru Shida win

Former AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida made her first in-ring appearance since a loss at All Out, taking on Harley Cameron.

Shida had control of the match to begin. She brought Cameron onto the ring apron in the second minute of the bout, allowing her to land a running knee strike. Shida then put Cameron in the corner for a series of punches, but Cameron escaped and caused her to fall onto the top turnbuckle. Cameron had the upper hand as the fight went to a commercial break.

Shida started to mount a comeback as the broadcast returned. She landed a series of kicks to the body, then a clothesline. Shida came off the second rope with a dropkick, then hit a running knee strike for a two-count.

Shida tried for a clothesline but was distracted by Saraya getting onto the ring apron. Cameron capitalized on this moment with a head kick, but only earned a two-count. The wrestlers had a series of reversals, including duelling pin attempts at one point. Shida countered a knee strike with a question mark kick. She got distracted by Saraya again, allowing Cameron to come off the ropes for a running knee strike. However, once again, Shida kicked out.

Saraya grabbed Shida’s kendo stick and teased throwing it into the ring but was stopped by Jamie Hayter, who suddenly emerged from backstage. Back in the ring, Shida hit a Falcon Arrow for the ring. Hayter gave Shida her kendo stick back at the end of the segment.

After the match, Saraya called for a match against Jamie Hayter at AEW Grand Slam in a “Saraya’s Rules Match.”

“All I’ve wanted to do is beat your a**. See you in New York,” Hayter replied.

The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong teamed with The Beast Mortos in the next match, facing off against Joe Keys and Marcus Mathers.

Mortos and Strong showed their teamwork, scoring double-team moves that allowed them to win in just 86 seconds. Mortos scored a Samoan Drop onto Mathers, then Strong hit Keys with a knee strike. Strong pinned Mathers for the win.

Deonna Purrazzo cut a promo before the main event, revealing that she has formed an alliance with Taya Valkyrie. “If you think I’m dangerous, just wait until you see this thing of ours,” she said.

Nick Wayne steals Kip Sabian’s moment

A four-way match finished the night, with Nick Wayne, Kip Sabian, Lio Rush, and Rocky Romero battling.

The match had a quick pace from the very start. Sabian scored a moonsault off the ropes onto Romero and Wayne, but was taken out by Rush and hit with a tope suicida just moments later.

Rush and Romero teamed up to pick on Sabian, but their alliance fell apart after Rush tried for a roll-up pin on Romero. Their argument allowed Sabian to attack them both. He tried for a cannonball in the corner but was stopped by Wayne.

Wayne got into the ring to work on Romero and Rush. He scored a huge back-body drop, then scored a kick before a commercial break.

Wayne was still battling in the ring after the break, still facing Rush and Romero. Rush hit a Spanish Fly onto Wayne for a near fall at the seven-minute mark of the match. Sabian came flying off the top, drop-kicking Rush.

Sabian scored his cannonball onto Rush in the corner but was hit with a Northern Lights Suplex by Romero right after. Romero clotheslined all three wrestlers, who were in corners of the ring. All four wrestlers got to their feet after a near fall for Romero.

Wayne and Sabian battled in the ring after tossing the other two wrestlers out. Wayne came out of the corner for a Wayne’s World but had the move reversed into a German Suplex. Romero got back into the ring and gave Sabian a kick, then Rush hit him with kick of his own.

Rush came off the top for a frogsplash, but instead of landing on Romero he ate a cutter from Wayne. 

Wayne tried for a Wayne’s World onto Sabian but was stopped. Romero searched for a Sliced Bread onto Sabian, but was instead was hit with Sabian’s finisher, Deathly Hallows. Wayne threw Sabian out of the ring and scored the pinfall on Romero, ending the match.

About Jack Wannan 372 Articles
Jack Wannan is a journalist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He writes and reports on professional wrestling, along with other topics like MMA, boxing, music, local news, and more. He graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He can be reached at [email protected]