AEW Dynamite Results: Chris Jericho Wins ROH World Title, Chuck Taylor Gets Taken Out By BCC

AEW Dynamite

October 23, 2024

By: John Siino

Maverik Center in West Valley City, Utah

Commentary: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Matt Menard


  • Shelton Benjamin over Sammy Guevara via pinfall (10:14) (Recommended)
  • Brian Cage & Lance Archer over The Pillars of Destiny via pinfall (1:00)
  • ROH World Title Ladder War: Chris Jericho over Mark Briscoe (c) to become the new champion (15:44)
  • House of Black over Kevin Koa, Jaden Monroe & Pirata de la Muerte via pinfall (2:00)
  • Kamille over Queen Aminata via pinfall (8:15)
  • Daniel Garcia & Private Party over Jack Perry & The Young Bucks via pinfall (11:10)

Caterpillars Don’t Just Become Butterflies

The show starts with another video narrated by Jon Moxley with highlights of what he and his crew have been doing the last couple of weeks and how the roster has been reacting to it. We cut to Moxley in a desert talking about how caterpillars don’t just become butterflies and have to adapt to nature before saying that tonight on AEW Dynamite, just a little piece of someone will be destroyed forever but it’s for the greater good, as Moxley gets in the back of the pick-up truck with his crew and drive off through the desert.

We then see Mark Briscoe, Daniel Garcia, The Dark Order, Private Party, and many more members of the AEW roster waiting in the parking lot with weapons.

The Hangman & The Switchblade

We go to the ring with Tony Schiavone who brings out ‘Hangman’ Adam Page. Schiavone asks Page where his mind is now due to his recent actions, and Page snatches the mic from him and says last week he took Jay White’s head off and before almost took Juice Robinson’s life, and he knocked out Austin Gunn so bad a couple of weeks ago that he doubt he remembers is brother’s name. On cue, Colten Gunn shows up from behind and starts attacking Page, taking him to the outside where Page dodges him as Colten goes crashing over the barricade onto the timekeeper’s table. Page sends Colten back inside and starts choking him out with his belt before Jay White’s music hits, he and Juice run out as White enters and chases Page limping away. White gets on the mic and says Page can hobble away but he can’t hide from him, and he will always have his number at 4-1 and it would have been a perfect 5-0 if Christian Cage didn’t help him. White says Page will never be able to measure up to him, and he can hide behind all the blood and fire he wants. They haven’t seen the last of each other and will see each other real soon.

Sammy Guevara vs. Shelton Benjamin (w/ MVP)

We get a video package for Sammy Guevara & Shelton Benjamin, as MVP says Benjamin is gifted at hurting people and he won’t do it for free. They finish by saying to trust the process, and they’ve done it before and will do it again. Benjamin starts the match by going after Guevara right away, tossing him up in the air and dropping him before whipping him hard into the corner. Guevara tries to fight him off with chops but gets stopped and suplexed as MVP is yelling directions for Benjamin. Guevara starts flipping and dodging away before catching Benjamin on the apron with a kick, sending him to the outside where he meets him with a springboard moonsault. Guevara goes to dive again, but MVP gets in the way. When Guevara tries again, he gets caught by Benjamin, who hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex onto the ramp as we go to picture-in-picture.

We come back, just in time to see Guevara being tossed up and flattened again before Benjamin hits him with a German Suplex. He hits another one, but Guevara comes back with a flurry of kicks, sending Benjamin outside with a knee strike before he hits him with a Fosbury Flop. Back inside, they go back and forth before Guevara hits a cutter, but only gets a one-count. MVP starts yelling at Benjamin to ‘stop playing with your food’. As Guevara springboards back in, he gets stopped with a super kick, before Benjamin hits him with another one. Benjamin hits a knee strike in the corner followed by the power slam to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin by pinfall at 10:14

Renee Paquette is backstage and tries to get a word with Mariah May who has luggage that he opens up and tosses before saying that Anna Jay doesn’t belong in the ring or locker room with her, as Jay shows up and goes after May but quickly gets separated by Christopher Daniels who tells her to stop because she already has a title shot.

Why, Kyle, Why

We get a video showing the history of Will Ospreay & Kyle Fletcher with words from Ospreay talking about their friendship. We cut to Schiavone who introduces Fletcher and Don Callis to the ring. Fletcher says the crowd can boo him all they want, but he’s only here to talk to Ospreay and talks about how it’s been 11 days that Ospreay has been laid out in a hospital bed due to the herniated disc he doesn’t tell anybody about. And just like these people, he has been wondering ‘Why, Kyle, Why’, and that makes him happy, and says the fans are just as much to blame as Ospreay is. When he got to AEW they said he had the brightest future in professional wrestling until Ospreay came in and instead of saying he’s the next big thing he was called ‘the next Will Ospreay’. He took every one of those comparisons as an insult because, in reality, he is bigger, stronger, faster & better than Ospreay in every single way. Back in 2021 when he joined the United Empire, Ospreay was the kingpin with a killer instinct as the crowd chants for him to ‘wrap it up’, but Fletcher says that Callis bought him all the TV time he needed to get this off his chest, so they will listen to him.

He brings up why he left NJPW, and how Kazuchika Okada brought Ospreay in there to make him his brother, but Ospreay stabbed him in the back. He then brings up that when Kenny Omega left, Ospreay stepped up as the biggest foreigner in the company but was told he would never fill Omega’s shoes, so he stabbed him with a screwdriver and dropped him on his head with the Tiger Driver. He knew what he had to do to get out of Ospreay’s shadow because that’s the lesson he taught him. Callis made him realize that Ospreay never wanted Fletcher to surpass him because that’s the king of person Ospreay is; selfish. He will give Ospreay one chance to save face with these people, and these people start chanting ‘Shut the fuck up’. Fletcher says Ospreay will ignore the doctor’s orders and his family and will step in the ring with him next week. He will send him back to that hospital bed, a lot longer than 11 days, and will hit Tiger Drivers until his neck withers to dust. One thing has become apparent, if he wants to take this company to heights it’s never been before he can be nothing like him. Callis then hands Fletcher an electric razor, as Fletcher says he is nothing like Ospreay and starts shaving off his hair while saying he is ‘nothing like you’.

New Company, New Beginnings

They show footage of Konosuke Takeshita retaining his title against Josh Alexander at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling last Saturday before Ricochet came out to him.

Renee is backstage with Ricochet who says he is a man of his word about showing up anywhere to go after Takeshita. Takeshita has screwed him out of the International Championship twice and told Takeshita to come find him on Rampage this Friday. MVP & Benjamin walk in and say they have a history, but new company and new beginnings and suggest starting new, before handing him his card.

Brian Cage & Lance Archer vs. The Pillars of Destiny (Hunter Grey & Parviz)

Lance Archer starts the match before Brian Cage joins in and hits a spine buster plus a German Suplex before they hit a powerbomb/chokeslam combo to get the quick win.

Winners: Brian Cage & Lance Archer by pinfall at 1:00

We go back to the roster waiting outside, as Chuck Taylor now in a producer-like role tells Mark Briscoe they need him as his match is up next, before telling Orange Cassidy he’s known him for a long time and gives him some words of encouragement.

ROH World Championship Ladder Match: Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Chris Jericho

Mark Briscoe starts the match by literally throwing a ladder into the ring onto Chris Jericho, before going after him by knocking him into the turnbuckles and knocking him right off the apron onto two tables on the outside. Briscoe goes after him, by biting him and attacking him against the barricade. Jericho quickly takes control and starts using pieces of the table and the steel steps, before grabbing another ladder from under the ring. As Jericho tries to enter the ring with it, Briscoe uses it against him and tries to put Jericho through another table with a Jay Driller. Jericho escapes but gets put on a ladder that’s up against the barricade, but as Briscoe goes to cannonball onto him, Jericho moves and Briscoes goes crashing through it. Jericho sets up a ladder and starts climbing it to grab the title, but Briscoe stops him. Jericho takes the ladder and smashes it right into Briscoe’s head, busting him open as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, the bloody Briscoe puts Jericho through a ladder in the corner with a Death Valley Driver. Briscoe climbs the top rope, but Jericho stops him with a ladder, climbs it the ladder, but Briscoe pushes the ladder and Jericho off the corner and sentons onto him. They both start climbing the ladder in the middle of the ring while taking turns reaching for the belt before Briscoe goes pushed off, but gets right back up and knocks the ladder with Jericho down. They start brawling a bit before Briscoe sets up a table, places Jericho on top of it, and climbs the tall ladder before he can do anything, Bryan Keith runs out and climbs the ladder also. Rocky Romero runs out with a kendo stick and chases Keith away. Briscoe jumps off the top of the ladder and hits a Froggy Bow through Jericho and the table, followed by a Jay Driller. Briscoe climbs the ladder again, but Big Bill runs out and grabs Briscoe, choke slamming him through two tables set up on the outside. Bill puts Jericho on his shoulders and climbs up the ladder, as Jericho grabs the title to end the match.

Winner: Chris Jericho at 15:44, to become NEW ROH World Champion

Tomohiro Ishii comes out with Rocky Romero and stares down Jericho from the ramp.

We see a video package of Kris Statlander training in the gym as she gets ready for her upcoming match with Kamille.

The Undisputed Challenge

Adam Cole comes to the ring, but before he can say anything he gets interrupted by the rest of The Undisputed Kingdom, as Roderick Strong talks about how MJF used Cole and didn’t even check in on him when he was injured, but they did. Mike Bennett says they started this together and they will finish this together. Matt Taven says this was never about MJF, but about them, and when they think about some of their favorite moments of their life, it’s when they were all together. Strong says he is so proud of Cole for coming back from his injury and finishing what they started, taking out MJF together, and as his best friend, he needs Cole to know that he wants MJF first. Cole says he is right and maybe they should finish it tonight and call out MJF to the ring. We cut to MJF on the tron, who is getting a massage from a woman. MJF says that greed has blinded Cole, and he will never get his hands on him unlike ‘Natalia’ over here. MJF makes a proposition that whoever gets to three wins first will get to face him, but he won’t show his face until Full Gear. The Undisputed Kingdom all embrace to end the segment as Kyle O’Reilly is seen looking on from the back.

Renee is in the back with Jamie Hayter who says she’s listened to everything that Penelope Ford has said and it’s all BS as she slept on floors and could name so many reasons why she worked for this and wasn’t handed anything. She says she’s here looking for a fight and Ford is nowhere to be found, and will make her the victim of her return, two weeks from tonight on Dynamite.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) vs. Kevin Koa, Jaden Monroe & Pirata de la Muerte

Malakai Black starts and right away takes out Pirata de la Muerte with The End. Kevin Koa goes after Black but gets swiped down before Buddy Matthews tags himself in and stomps on his arm. He fights back and tags out to Jaden Monroe, but House of Black starts triple-teaming on everyone before they hit the triple-team cannonball/kick combo followed by a powerbomb on Monroe and the stomp from Matthews to get the pin.

Winners: House of Black (Buddy Matthews, Brody King & Malakai Black) by pinfall at 2:00

Matthews gets on the mic and says now that he’s clear, he wants Adam Cole next week. Renee is in the back with The Undisputed Kingdom and wants a reaction from Cole. Cole gets in Matthews’s face and asks if he has some sort of problem with him and asks him what his deal is. Matthews says it’s to prove one point and that is that Cole is fragile.

Kamille (w/ Mercedes Mone’) vs. Queen Aminata

Kamille takes down Queen Aminata right away, before whipping her into the corner and taking her down with a short-arm lariat, but Aminata kicks out at one. Aminata escapes from a Snake Eyes attempt before taking Kamille down with headscissors, getting a one count herself. Kamille catches Aminata into a backbreaker as we go to picture-in-picture.

We come back as Aminata has momentum, taking down Kamille with a snap neckbreaker as Mercedes Mone’ is concerned on the outside. Aminata kicks Kamille up against the ropes, getting a two-count. They go back and forth before Kamille hits a Torture Rack bomb, for two. Kamille hits the Road to Damascus to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Kamille by pinfall at 8:15

Kris Statlander comes and gets in Kamille’s face before Mercedes gets in between them and laughs at Statlander’s body compared to Kamille’s. Mercedes goes to attack Statlander, but it does nothing as Statlander goes after both of them. As Mercedes’ holds Statlander’s leg, Kamille grabs her and hits her with the Road to Damascus.

Who Attacked Taz?

We go back to the roster in the parking lot as a car approaches, but it ends up being The Patriarchy as Christian Cage says he’s the next world champion and nobody can take his contract. Christian spots Kip Sabian and chases him away.

They end up heading into the ring as Sabian says he wants to explain himself. We cut to Hook who tells Renee he saw the security footage of who attacked his dad and the scumbag is in the ring now. Hook enters the ring and takes out Nick Wayne, but as he corners Christian, Sabian hits Hook with a low blow. Christian tells Sabian he knows why he has been doing what he’s been doing the last couple of weeks, but said he’ll deal with him later. Wayne takes out Hook with the Wayne’s World, with some help from Christian before Christian hits Hook with the Killswitch on top of his contract case. Christian calls Hook ‘Tyler’ and tells him that it’s not what it seems. The Patriarchy leaves with Kip Sabian by their side.

Daniel Garcia & Private Party (Zay & Quen) vs. The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson & Jack Perry)

All six start brawling before the bell rings, before it’s just Daniel Garcia & Jack Perry in the ring to start the match. The Young Bucks & Private Party go at it before all six start fighting before we cut to the AEW roster waiting on the outside, including John Silver with nunchucks. Perry takes out Garcia with a DDT off the apron and Matthew Jackson takes out Zay as we go to picture-in-picture.

Back to action, Garcia gets put through the timekeeper’s table as the Young Bucks hit Zay with the Risky Business for a two-count. Zay makes the hot tag to Quen who goes after all three members of The Elite, hitting a double hurricanrana on the Bucks before walking into a superkick. Zay enters and gets on also plus a Poison Rana as Nicholas Jackson gets a two count. The Elite start triple-teaming on Zay, as they hit him with a springboard powerbomb, but Quen is there to break it up. Garcia joins back up and takes out Perry with a boot over the barricade. Private Party escapes out of a TK Driver before Zay rolls up Matthew to get the surprise pin.

Winners: Daniel Garcia & Private Party (Zay & Quen) by pinfall at 11:10

Zay gets on the mic and says they proved here tonight that they can beat the Young Bucks and ask for a rematch for the AEW World Tag Team Championship. The Bucks start leaving, so Zay makes an offer that they can’t turn down and that is if they lose the match and don’t win the titles, they have to split up. Quen is surprised and starts questioning Zay, but the Bucks agree so Zay says the match is next week.

We cut back outside, as Marina Shafir gets out of the truck just for Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli to show up in the ring with chairs to take out Garcia & Private Party. Jon Moxley shows up all in black, drags Chuck Taylor into the ring, and wraps a chair over his neck before Claudio stomps on him. Orange Cassidy and the rest of the AEW roster run in just a couple of seconds too late, as the Blackpool Combat Club runs away through the crowd. The Elite are on top of the ramp and question what they should do, as Cassidy is staring down in anger at what just happened to Taylor.

About John Siino 404 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.