AEW Dynamite Results: PAC vs. Jay White, Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

December 4, 2024

By: John Siino

Fishers Event Center in Fishers, Indiana

Commentary: Excalibur, Matt Menard & Tony Schiavone

Continental Classic Standings

  • Blue League
    • Kyle Fletcher [6]
    • Shelton Benjamin [3]
    • Daniel Garcia [1]
    • Kazuchika Okada [1]
    • Mark Briscoe [0]
    • The Beast Mortos [0]
  • Gold League
    • Claudio Castagnoli [6] 
    • Brody King [3]
    • Will Ospreay [3]
    • Darby Allin [0]
    • Komander [0] * Replacement for Juice Robinson *
    • Ricochet [0]


  • Continental Classic Blue League: Kyle Fletcher [6] over Shelton Benjamin [3] via pinfall (15:48)
  • Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale: Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly (10:07)
  • Swerve Strickland over Max Caster via pinfall (2:15)
  • Jay White over PAC via pinfall (13:25) (Recommended)
  • Anna Jay over Penelope Ford via pinfall (8:46)
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Claudio Castagnoli [6] over Brody King [3] via pinfall (14:17) (Recommended)

Continental Classic Blue League Match: Shelton Benjamin [3] vs. Kyle Fletcher [3]

Don Callis joins commentary instead for this first-time one-on-one matchup since he can’t be ringside for these Continental Classic matches. Shelton Benjamin starts the match by cornering Kyle Fletcher, as Fletcher asks the referee to hold Benjamin back. The crowd gets behind Benjamin with a ‘Let’s go Shelton’ chant, which causes Fletcher to punch Benjamin in the corner with punches but he bounces right back with a clothesline sending Fletcher to the outside. As Fletcher enters, the crowd chants ‘Ospreay’s better’. The match picks up a bit, as they both clothesline each other to the outside, heading into picture-in-picture.

We return with them on the outside, as Benjamin is tossing Fletcher against the barricades and ring, but Fletcher dodges Benjamin who goes crashing into the ring steps. Back inside, Fletcher hits a big kick followed by a Michinoku Driver for a two. Benjamin comes back with a powerbomb, and he transitions into submission, but Fletcher is right there to grab the bottom rope. Benjamin stops a running Fletcher with a thrust kick from the corner, followed by three back-to-back suplexes and a knee strike, but Fletcher rolls under the ropes. Fletcher is able to dodge Benjamin and roll him up while holding onto the rope to get the tainted pin.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher by pinfall at 15:48, to get 3 points in the Continental Classic [6]

The Patriarchy Attacks Hook

Hook heads to the ring and says he heard what Nick Wayne said about facing him in a couple of weeks at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Hook says he has a better idea of facing Christian Cage instead and challenges Wayne to come out tonight to fight him. Christian makes his way out with Mother Wayne and his dented contract case, but Hook gets attacked from behind by Nick Wayne & Kip Sabian. Hook fights them off and puts the Redrum on Wayne, but as Mother Wayne distracts him Christian attacks Hook with the contract case. All three men start attacking Hook and bring in chairs as Nick Wayne smashes Hook’s wrist with a Conchairto. Christian tells Hook to take care of his hand, and they’ll talk later.

Mercedes Isn’t Liable

Renee Paquette tries to get a word with Mercedes Mone’ and asks her if she has a comment on Kamille getting attacked backstage on Rampage. Mercedes says that Kamille quit so she isn’t liable for what happened to her, and addresses Anna Jay after she challenged her on Collision and says that she will watch Jay’s match closely tonight.

Hurting People

We go to The Hurt Syndicate in the back as MVP is yelling at Shelton Benjamin that they hurt people and that he’s disappointed in his performance. Benjamin spots a stagehand and starts attacking him before Bobby Lashley & MVP join in and start attacking security in the back.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale

Adam Cole comes out last as Mark Davis, Lance Archer, Brian Cage, Rocky Romero, Kyle O’Reilly, Evil Uno, Action Andretti, Lio Rush, Darius Martin, Dante Martin & The Butcher are in the ring. Uno tries to tell Cole to team up together, but Cole starts fighting him instead. Davis kicks Uno off the apron for the first elimination. Cage & Archer put Top Flight onto the apron, but it’s Rush & Andretti who end up springboarding and eliminating their teammates instead. Archer & Cage gang up on Davis to clothesline him out of the match as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we return, Andretti & Romero are fighting on the apron, before O’Reilly kicks Andretti off to eliminate him before tossing Rush out as well, with help from Romero. Cage & Archer gang up on Romero to powerbomb/chokeslam him out of the match. Cole eliminates The Butcher off the apron with a kick. It’s down to Cole, O’Reilly, Cage & Archer before Cole eliminates Cage as O’Reilly eliminates Archer, as they are the final two that will face off next week at Winter is Coming, with the winner of that facing MJF at Worlds End.

Winners: Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly at 10:07

Hart Hunting Hayter

We see a Julia Hart video where she’s been observing Jamie Hayter and says that it’s her turn to come back to show that she’s stronger than Hayter. The video ends with Hart telling Hayter to watch her back as the House always wins.

The Best Wrestler Alive

The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn are in the back, as Renee walks in and asks if everything is alright. Max Caster says yes, but Gunn says they are not and they have been trying to talk Caster out of this match with Swerve Strickland tonight. They talk about having all the faith in him, but he’s going about it tonight all wrong. Anthony Bowens says that if Caster calls himself the best wrestler alive, then he should go out there tonight and prove it.

Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Max Caster

Max Caster’s freestyle talks about Swerve Strickland losing the title to a crippled guy, compares him to Hunter Biden, and tells him that Swerve’s mom could move in with Caster since her house burned down. Swerve attacks Caster on the apron before the bell rings, before he starts attacking him against the barricades on the outside before sending him back in to start the match. Swerve hits a big German suplex before clotheslining Caster to the outside. Back inside, Swerve takes out Caster with a House Call, before hitting two more to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland by pinfall at 2:15

After the match, Swerve goes to leave before stopping and re-entering to hit a Swerve Stomp on Caster. Swerve talks into the camera and says there’s a little bit left in 2024 and tells Bobby Lashley that it isn’t over yet.

The Butterfly Effect

We go to MJF at his house, where he talks about how Better Than You Bay Bay was hot until Adam Cole turned on him and caused a Butterfly Effect. Because of Cole’s actions, Roderick Strong’s arm is broken and now he has to beat the shit out of his friend Kyle O’Reilly just to face him at Worlds End. MJF blames Cole for Jon Moxley and the Death Riders murdering people every week, and he’s sick of Cole walking around pretending he’s the hero when he’s the villain. He doesn’t think Cole can beat O’Reilly and that will be proven next week on Dynamite.

Jay White vs. PAC (w/ Wheeler Yuta)

This is a first-time one-on-one match here as commentary brings up how Jay White is on an island on his own, now that Juice Robinson has broken his leg and joined The Gunns on the injury list. Wheeler Yuta gets on the apron right away to try and distract White, as PAC keeps getting sent to the outside and pushes Yuta in frustration. They both take it to the outside as White drops PAC onto the apron before sending him back inside for a quick one-count. As PAC distracts the referee, Yuta pulls White to the outside and takes him out with a clothesline. PAC takes advantage and starts sending White into the barricades as we head to picture-in-picture.

We come back with White in control, but he’s holding onto his ribs before going after PAC on the outside. In the ring, PAC bounces back with a German Suplex, but White stops him with a uranage as they are both laid out. They go back and forth, dodging each other’s moves before White hits a half-and-half suplex before trying the Blade Runner, but PAC transitions it into a Brutalizer. White eventually passes out but grabs the bottom rope on his way down to break it up. Yuta pulls White to the outside and takes him out with the Busaiku Knee, as the referee is distracted again. White gets tossed back into the ring, but gets up and hits the Blade Runner to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Jay White by pinfall at 13:25

Yuta tries to go after White but gets a Blade Runner as well. Marina Shafir gets in White’s face distracting him long enough for Jon Moxley to attack White from behind before hitting him with the Paradigm Shift. As the Death Riders go to leave, ‘Hangman’ Adam Page comes out to the stage and goes face-to-face with Moxley. We see a cameraman start choking Moxley from behind, just to reveal himself to be Orange Cassidy. Page & Cassidy take out the Death Riders before Cassidy lands an Orange Punch on Moxley followed by the Blade Runner from White. As Moxley gets up, he gets taken out by a Buckshot Lariat from Page, as Page, White & Cassidy are standing tall in the ring, and we see Christian Cage standing by the stage watching on.

Hayter Hunting Hart

Jamie Hayter is in the back and says Julia Hart’s mind games don’t work on her, as she’s more of a face-to-face or fist-to-fist type of gal. Hayter says that everybody is pissed off at her triumphant return at Wembley, and says she’s back to settle scores that have nothing to do with Hart. She says this International Women’s Cup means a lot to her and she’s ready to fight anytime and anyplace, and says she will come find Julia Hart and will lay her out and the last thing she will see is her.

New York Minute

We get a ‘New York Minute’ type segment with Chris Jericho hyping up ROH Final Battle and the other Hammerstein shows, before switching over to talk about All In Texas. He mentions tuning into ROH on HonorClub tomorrow to find out his plans for Final Battle.

Bandido Is Returning

We get a Western-type video hyping up the return of Bandido.

Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford

They show a video showing the history between Anna Jay & Penelope Ford as this match starts at the 9:30 mark. Ford goes after Jay in the corner and starts choking her out on the ropes before hitting her with a double knee drop on the apron. They start fighting by the barricade as we head to picture-in-picture.

We come back, as Ford connects the springboard elbow in the corner before heading to the top rope, but Jay is able to trip her down. Jay stays on top with a neckbreaker on the ropes before they trade kicks before Jay is able to catch her into the Queenslayer. Ford escapes and hits a cutter for a two. Ford goes for a top rope moonsault, but Jay dodges it and hits a shotgun dropkick. Ford puts on a Death Lock, but Jay reaches over to the ropes to break it up. Jay comes right back with the Gory Bomb to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Anna Jay by pinfall at 8:46

Jay gets on the mic and calls out Mercedes Mone’, who does indeed come out. Mercedes says she was watching and says if Kris Statlander can’t beat her for her TBS Title, what makes Jay think that she can? Mercedes says that Mariah May must have kicked Jay too hard in the head, but she likes her confidence and if she wants a title shot then maybe she should come back in 10 years when she’s done something. Jay says ‘something like this’, and smacks Mercedes down. Mercedes acts like she’s going to get up and fight back, before looking at her watch and saying that she doesn’t have time for this. They announce that the match will happen in two weeks at the ‘Holiday Bash’ episode of AEW Dynamite, as well as Will Ospreay vs. Darby Allin in a Continental Classic Gold League match.

Do It To My Face

We go to a sit-down interview with Renee and Mariah May, May turns this on her and asks Renee if she has any friends as Renee acts like she’s going to leave. May says as long as she holds this title, whatever she does is the right thing to do. She talks about giving Mina Shirakawa a title shot is the right thing to do, as shaking your tits can only get you so far. She says she believes in Mina and when they are done, they can drink all the champagne in the world. May says that women’s wrestling is dead, as Mina walks in and hands May a champagne bottle and tells her to do it to her face.

Continental Classic Gold League Match: Brody King [3] vs. Claudio Castagnoli [3]

This match starts at the 9:50 mark as commentary mentions this match will go into the overrun if needed, for the 20-minute time limit. They start the match trading forearms before knocking each other dizzy with a double clothesline. Claudio Castagnoli starts going after Brody King’s arm, but Brody comes right back with a senton for a one-count. They announced that Kyle Fletcher will take on Kazuchika Okada on Collision this Saturday in a Blue League Match. Claudio continues attacking Brody against the ring post as we head to picture-in-picture.

They are back in the ring exchanging forearms and chops before Claudio hits a pop-up uppercut for two. Brody comes back with a lariat for a two and we see blood coming from Brody. Brodys stays on top, hitting a cannonball in the corner for another two. They head to the top rope, where Claudio hits a superplex as the crowd gets really into this. They go outside and start fighting against the barricade, but as Brody sets Claudio on a chair, Claudio moves as Brody goes crashing into the barricade. Claudio sends Brody over the barricade, but he’s able to make it inside just before the 10 count. Claudio sets up for a lariat, but Brody stops him with one himself for a two. Claudio escapes out of a Gonzo Bomb attempt and holds onto the referee as he hits a low blow on Brody followed by the Neutralizer to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli by pinfall at 14:17, to earn 3 points in the Continental Classic [6]

Rampage Line-Up

  • Continental Classic Gold League: Ricochet vs. Komander
  • Continental Classic Blue League: The Beast Mortos vs. Daniel Garcia
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Mark Briscoe vs. Kazuchika Okada

Collision Line-Up

  • Mina Shirakawa vs. Emi Sakura
  • International Women’s Cup Qualifier: Willow Nightingale vs. Serena Deeb
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Darby Allin vs. Komander
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Mark Briscoe vs. Daniel Garcia
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Kazuchika Okada vs. Kyle Fletcher

Dynamite ‘Winter is Coming’ Line-Up

  • Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly (winner faces MJF at Worlds End)
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Will Ospreay vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Ricochet vs. Brody King
  • AEW Women’s World Title: Mariah May (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa
  • PAC & Jon Moxley vs. Jay White & Orange Cassidy
About John Siino 426 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.