Special thanks to Mike Bohn:
Pro Wrestling Guerilla returned on Friday night with “Neon Knights” from the American Legion Post in Reseda, California.
Here are the results from the show:
*Adam Brooks defeated Brodie King at 11:39 with a Swanton.
*Dalton Castle defeated Joey Janela at 21:30 – the match featured a lot of comedy from the two and ended with Castle hitting the Bang-a-rang and won the match.
*Travis Banks defeated David Starr at 10:32 with a fisherman buster off the top rope.
*Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Flip Gordon at 15:47 – Sabre played the cocky heel role throughout the match, including flipping the audience off as he executed a roll up. Sabre Jr won with a submission, best described as a banana split for the grappling readers out there.
*Keith Lee defeated Matt Riddle at 19:30 with a jackhammer – The two apparently broke the middle of the ring. There was a big near fall spot after Lee hit a moonsault and Spirit Bomb back-to-back.
*Chuck Taylor defeated Trent at 26:16 to retain the PWG title – there was a lot of action in this one, including lots of chairs being used. Trent was cut above his eye during the match and the finish occurred when Trent was going to use the title as a weapon, hesitated and then Taylor hit a low blow with the referee distracted and rolled up Trent to win the match and retain the title.