NJPW Super J-Cup 2020
December 12, 2020
Oceanview Pavilion in Port Hueneme, California
Commentary: Kevin Kelly & Alex Koslov
Super J-Cup Opening Round Match: Clark Connors vs. Chris Bey
Chris Bey is introduced as representing Impact Wrestling. Connors comes off of winning the Lion’s Break Crown on NJPW Strong. Connors immediately goes for the Boston Crab, but Bey is able to grab the ropes. Koslov brings up Bey’s 5-month undefeated streak in Impact before winning the X-Division Championship. Connors takes Bey down with a tackle followed by a couple of uppercuts. Bey comes back with a beautiful dropkick as Connors gets trapped in the ropes, Bey lands a hard chop and double stomps on Connors back as he attempts a drop down. Bey is able to hold Connors down on the mat with a punch in the rib cage and stomps to the chest. Bey is able to hit an uppercut forearm, kick to the back of the head and a neck breaker on Connors. Connors tries to come back by throwing Bey to the outside, but Bey rolls back in and hits a sweep to take down Connors, he misses a double stomp and runs right into a pounce by Connors. Connors runs with an elbow into the corner and hits a bunch of chops and shoulder blocks. Bey is able to leapfrog a spear and attempts a cutter, but Connors dodges it. Bey hits a backslide gets a two count and right away hits a sit out powerbomb for another two. Connors hits a chop and attempts a Boston Crab which Bey rolls up for a 2 count. Connors runs right into a spinning heel kick and Bey hits the Art of Finesse for the pin.
Winner: Chris Bey advances by pinfall at 9:36
Siino Vision: Good opener to start the show. I’m glad to see Chris Bey getting more of a spotlight this year and receiving his NJPW debut. Connors continues to be one of the standouts from the LA Dojo to me. Bey is one of many to pull the ‘Rick Rude’ trick tonight with Impact Wrestling’s Final Resolution, the Super J-Cup and AAA Triplemania all being shown on the same night.
Super J-Cup Opening Round Match: TJP vs. ACH
We have the battle of the three letter wrestlers as these men have shared many rings together in the past and have both been part of multiple promotions in 2020. TJP is able to knock ACH to the outside and hits a springboard dropkick to take him down. They trade back submission attempts before ACH rolls up TJP for a 2 count, followed by a hurricanrana and a dropkick. TJP hits a drop toe hold and transitions into the Muta Lock. TJP continues to target the back of ACH who kicks out of a 2 count and shows extreme pain throughout his body. ACH is able to hang on to the rope after being whipped and hits an elbow, gains a bit of energy and sweeps the leg and hits a drop kick as TJP heads to the outside getting a crossbody by ACH. ACH hits a rolling clothesline in the corner followed by a Fisherman suplex for a two count. ACH attempts a German suplex, but TJP reverses. ACH attempts another pair of suplexes, but TJP keeps reversing and hits a springboard DDT from the top for a 2 count. They trade back forearms and kicks before ACH hits a German suplex with a cradle pin for a 2 count. They trade a couple more backslides and roll-ups before TJP hits a suplex and runs into a back elbow by ACH. They both climb the top rope as ACH hits a super gut buster off the top followed by a 450 splash for pin.
Winner: ACH advances by pinfall at 9:52
Siino Vision: Highly enjoyed this match from both competitors, but ACH in particular has gained new life since leaving NXT, having a banger of a year across many promotions. ACH will face Chris Bey in the semi-finals for what I’m sure will be a great matchup.
Super J-Cup Opening Round Match: Blake Christian vs. Rey Horus
Blake Christian is announced as representing Game Changer Wrestling and has his left elbow wrapped up from a recent GCW show. Rey Horus is representing Ring of Honor as he is one-third of the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions. This is Horus’ first match since February 2020 as he has not returned as of yet to ROH. Fast paced starts with Horus hitting a pair of arm drags before Christian catches drift of it as they stand face to face. Christian is able to hit a roll-up followed by a leapfrog, but Horus dodges a couple leg sweeps. Christian hits a standing moonsault for a two. They both dodge clotheslines from each other, before Horus escapes to the outside only to be hit by a leaping senton from Christian. Horus himself hits a leg lariat to take Christian outside before hitting a senton over the turnbuckle to connect. Horus calls out a brain buster which backfires as Christian reverses it and hits a splash on Horus. At this point Christian shows a trail of blood from his nose that begins to cover his face, he hits a kick on Horus and a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Horus is able to duck a clothesline and throws Christian into the turnbuckle before hitting a spinebuster followed by spinning leg lock into an inverted figure four. Horus catches Christian from the top rope and drops him down but only gets a 2 count. The referee checks on the bloody Christian who says he will continue. Horus climbs the top again, but Christian jumps up and hits what Koslov described as an ‘inverted backflip Russian leg sweep’ and yet still only gets a 2 count. The Bloody Christian hits a frog splash to finally get the win
Winner: Blake Christian advances by pinfall at 12:00
Siino Vision: On paper, this match might have been one of the least anticipated but they certainly proved everyone wrong. Great to see Horus back in the ring this year as he has been one of my favorite luchadores since his time in Lucha Underground as Dragon Azteca Jr. Christian continues to be a top independent star in 2020 between GCW and now NJPW Strong. It’s only a matter of time before he joins his frequently matched competitor Alex Zayne and receives a major contract. With this showing it’s no wonder why his moniker is ‘All Heart’. Commentary did a great job by asking how much Christian has left for the next round, highlighting the amount of damage he took throughout this match.
Super J-Cup Opening Round Match: Lio Rush vs. El Phantasmo
El Phantasmo comes in as the defending champion winning the 2019 Super J-Cup. Very odd entrance by Phantasmo as the ‘Sound Muted Due to License Issues’ disclaimer comes on the screen, commentary then questions why we couldn’t hear this new music that Phantasmo was hyping up, and why they were muted on commentary, what made this even more awkward is Phantasmo did a backflip getting into the ring but slipped and fell, not sure if that was intentional or not. Phantasmo said the reason why we couldn’t hear his music is because he’s holding the office up for money. Phantasmo did another kick-up attempt and fell, so it’s obvious it’s intentional. Phantasmo tells Rush he hasn’t been in a ring since February and is showing ring rust. A lot of talking between both competitors back and forth as they move around the ring with Rush hitting a springboard hurricanrana taking Phantasmo to the outside. Phantasmo says ‘you won’t embarrass me as he stays on the outside, before Rush taunts him to get back in. Phantasmo continues to talk crap as he walks around the ring. Phantasmo comes in calling Lio Rush “Mr. WWE” and a “little midget”, but Rush challenges him to a test of strength. Phantasmo tells the ‘crowd’ to be quiet as he snaps Rush’s finger. Kevin Kelly addresses Phantasmo’s theme song being one that Phantasmo did himself that he wouldn’t give NJPW permission to use until he gets more money. They take it outside where Phantasmo hits a Styles Clash to Rush on the floor. Rush is able to get back into the ring at the 16 count but ends up getting a knee to the back of the head and whipped into the corner pad. Phantasmo puts Rush into the ring while continuing to talk disrespectfully to the referee asking Rush if he ‘wants some Tajiri’ but ends up running and stomping down on Rush’s jewels before he rakes the back of Rush. Phantasmo continues his dirty tricks by biting the hands of Lio Rush. Phantasmo is able to walk the ropes without falling, but Rush reverses and hits a Poison Rana knocking Phantasmo to the outside and hitting him with a tope suicida. Rush then hits a moonsault from the ropes to the outside. Rush hits a clothesline off the top for a 2 count. Phantasmo claims his nose is broken just to distract the referee, but Rush isn’t having any of that and is able to hit a clothesline and a Falcon Arrow for another two. Phantasmo is able to block Rush’s springboard and hits the UFO. They start trading shots back and forth before Phantasmo attempts the CR2 but gets reversed. Rush hits a springboard cutter for a close two. Rush attempts the frog splash but Phantasmo puts his knees up and shoves Rush into the referee, hitting an eye pock and a punch to the balls to roll up Rush for the win.
Winner: El Phantasmo advances by pinfall in 15:16
Siino Vision: Very weird match throughout. I figured Phantasmo’s ring rust will end up as his excuse for losing this match, but that isn’t the story just yet. The entire match was filled with Phantasmo playing dirty to try and win though it still contained some standout moments. They tease the fact that he could advance to the finals by forfeit due to Blake Christian’s broken nose. I was hoping Lio Rush would win the Super J-Cup and face Hiromu Takahashi as they have teased on Twitter. I’m sure this isn’t the last of Rush in NJPW.
JR Kratos & Danny Limelight vs. Fred Rosser & Rocky Romero
Both men representing Filthy Tom Lawlor’s Team Filthy as Limelight has recently turned on Rocky Romero to join up with Lawlor. Fred Rosser, the former Darren Young, has been a regular on NJPW Strong this year. Romero and Limelight start the match before Limelight immediately tags Kratos in, prompting Rosser to come in as well. The big Kratos hits an impressive leapfrog but tags a headbutt to the gut by Rosser. Romero and Limelight finally tag in and exchange punches and kicks before Limelight runs into a jumping knee by Romero. Koslov questions there must be something wrong with Romero that so many people have turned on him. Kratos comes in and uses his force to keep Romero down including a suplex that Rosser breaks up the pinfall. Kratos tags Limelight in and assists Limelight to hit a flying stomp for a 2 count. Limelight is able to put a rear-naked choke hold, but Rosser is able to come in, take out Kratos and break up the hold. Romero blocks a spinning heel kick and hits a clothesline to take down Limelight before tagging Rosser in. Kratos gets tagged in as well but Rosser keeps knocking him off the apron until hitting a backdrop on Kratos right on the apron. The big two men trade strikes back and forth before Kratos tags Limelight in who right away hits a kick for a two-count taking advantage of Romero being taken out. Rosser tags Romero in who hits the drop kick off the top to Limelight who’s on the ropes for a 2. Limelight hits a pair of kicks followed by a Fisherman’s Suplex who Rosser breaks up the pin attempt. Limelight is able to take Rosser out of the ring with an Enziguri, Kratos is able to catch Romero in the air and hits a powerslam and a German suplex as Limelight creeps in for the easy pin.
Winners: JR Kratos & Danny Limelight by pinfall at 12:49
Siino Vision: Nothing really special about this match; this was just something to break up the tournament. For anyone who doesn’t watch Strong and just tuned in for the J-Cup, they might’ve been confused or lacked interest in the Romero-Limelight storyline. Kratos is just another big man, while Rosser has had a bit of a resurgence after being away from the ring for a while.
Super J-Cup Semi-Finals Match: Chris Bey vs. ACH
ACH comes in showing some strain to his back. They quickly get into this match with ACH hitting a sunset flip and a couple back flips into a drop kick as he continues to hold his back throughout. Bey hits a couple kicks before hitting a flying elbow off the second rope. Chris Bey seems to be one step of the injured ACH, hitting a leg sweep and a standing moonsault on the back for the two count. Bey stands right on top of ACH as if he is surfing taunting while applying pain, ACH gets up trying to go strike for strike with Bey but ends up getting a thrust to the throat. They fight on the apron before ACH knocks Bey down with a big boot and follows with a plancha. Back in the ring, ACH knocks Bey down and hits a double stomp to Bey’s neck. ACH attempts a German suplex but Bey lands on his feet and hits a sunset powerbomb for a two. ACH then attempts a Tiger Bomb but Bey reverses hitting a European uppercut in the corner yelling “It’s that Jumpman Jordan!” Bey is able to hit a hurricanrana from the top rope and only gets a 2 count. Bey teases the Art of Finesse but gets it blocked and turned into a German Suplex by ACH who runs into a kick by Bey but hits a lariat followed by a brain buster on Bey for a 2 count. ACH is able to hit the Midnight Star 450 splash off the top for the pin.
Winner: ACH advances by pinfall at 8:27
Siino Vision: Good match throughout from both men. I like the idea of later matches in tournaments being shorter as it shows the participants are more fatigued from the opening round. Another great showing from Bey to elevate his stature, but ACH is the right man to be going into the finals of the Super J-Cup.
Super J-Cup Semi-Finals Match: Blake Christian vs. El Phantasmo
Christian comes out with his nose heavily bandaged, and Kevin Kelly mentions that the medical staff originally did not clear Christian to wrestle, but Christian fought to be in this match until they did. Phantasmo out to the same deal with the music wearing a Canadian jacket checking the ropes carefully before making his entrance. Phantasmo tells everybody to look at Christian’s face and that he doesn’t need to do this, suggesting he should forfeit. Christian immediately hits a pair of dropkicks and goes for the cover like a bat out of hell. Phantasmo counters by grabbing the broken nose of Christian calling him a ‘stupid idiot’ and that nobody cares about him being All Heart. Christian comes back with a modified 619 followed by a couple dives onto Phantasmo on the outside. Christian attempts a springboard into the ring seems to be a bit off but then puts on the sharpshooter before Phantasmo grabs the nose again. Phantasmo puts Christian into the corner hitting forearms and digging his boot into Christian’s throat. Phantasmo continues to target Christian’s nose, by digging his fingers in the nostrils, he then starts doing jumping jacks in the ring. He follows this with a couple of back rakes to Christian. He attempts the CR2 but Christian reverses for a 2 count. Christian fires back with kicks, a Death Valley Driver followed by another kick and a standing shooting star press, but on his landing falls right onto his nose knocking himself loopy as a result. He slowly climbs the top and tries to hit a flying elbow but misses and runs into a superkick as El Phantasmo gets the pin and the win
Winner: El Phantasmo advances by pinfall at 7:24
Siino Vision: Loved the story telling with Phantasmo continuing to use his heelish Bullet Club antics on the babyface Blake Christian. His nose injury seemed legit, so for them to rewrite the match based on this was extremely lucky. Phantasmo would be favored to win regardless, but this only made Christian more sympathetic and they can easily tell the story of a rematch once Christian is fully healed.
KENTA & HIKULEO (Bullet Club) vs. Ren Narita & Kevin Knight
KENTA holds a brand new IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship ‘Right to Challenge’ contract briefcase as his old one got damaged to the point of destruction, as that match with Jon Moxley lingers. Due to an injury to Karl Fredericks, LA Dojo’s Young Lion Kevin Knight makes his debut as his replacement. Knight was previously a Pacific Northwest wrestler as ‘2 Fly’ Jet Knight. Narita is back in NJPW, having his first match since February 2020 while being in the middle of his excursion. Narita forcefully tells Knight he will be starting this match against KENTA. Narita and KENTA start the match hard with chops, slaps and kicks before tagging the big HIKULEO into the match as he delivers an echoing chop in the corner. Narita fights his way back into the other corner as Knight tags himself in. Knight takes it to HIKULEO in the corner while Narita takes KENTA to the outside and starts brawling out there. Knight dodges a boot inside but gets splat down by HIKULEO into the mat. Knight tries to fight back but is no match as HIKULEO holds a vertical suplex and drops him for a 2 count. KENTA comes in and introduces Knight to NJPW with slaps and kicks. He continues in the corner before tagging HIKULEO back in. HIKULEO throws Knight like a missile into the corner pad, but the referee refuses to go for the count because HIKULEO put his hands on him to push him away. Knight is able to dodge a leg drop and tag Narita in. Narita keeps targeting HIKULEO’S legs to take him down but runs into a chokeslam attempt, but Narita reverses into a Cobra Twist. HIKULEO hip tosses himself out of that and tags KENTA back in. Narita is able to hit a suplex on KENTA for a two followed by forearms that KENTA stops with a backfist. Knight tags himself and takes KENTA down with a huge dropkick, a snap mare and a tackle for a 2 count. He attempts a Boston Crab but KENTA gets out and hits a Kitchen Sink and kicks to the back of Knight. They trade uppercuts back and forth, going for a dropkick which KENTA reverses into a Boston Crab of his own. Narita comes in and lands forearms to break up the Crab. HIKULEO comes in and hits the chokeslam on Narita as KENTA applies the Boston Crab back on as Knight finally submits
Winners: KENTA & HIKULEO (Bullet Club) by submission at 10:02
Siino Vision: I was highly impressed by Kevin Knight in his debut match, taking full advantage of being a last-minute replacement for Fredericks. This match went a lot longer than I expected, but Narita’s fire with his hatred towards KENTA was great. Also, KENTA winning with the Boston Crab to send a message to Katsuyori Shibata was a beautiful touch. Not sure when or where KENTA vs. Jon Moxley will take place, but it’s been a long time coming.
Super J-Cup Finals Match: ACH vs. El Phantasmo
They show a great video package before the match of the history of the Super J-Cup and the past winners to wear the Golden Jacket. Right as ACH is making his entrance, Phantasmo attacks him and clears off the commentary table. He takes the Super J-Cup trophy and breaks it across ACH’s injured back. ACH struggles to get in but eventually does as Phantasmo is pissed and tells them to ‘ring the fucking bell’. ACH starts strong with a couple backslide pin attempts. Phantasmo slows ACH by tripping him on the apron and slamming ACH against the ring as ACH starts getting counted out before coming back in at 18. Phantasmo strikes ACH’s back which ironically has a taped X covering it before Phantasmo begins to rip the tape off. He takes the tape and starts choking ACH out with it. Phantasmo digs the knee into the back of ACH as he pulls on the nose of ACH. Phantasmo uses his trademark back rake on ACH before setting him up for the Tree of Woe, starting a clap before mocking Alex Koslov. He again does the dropkick tease before digging his foot onto ACH’s jewels. Phantasmo continues to talk crap while attacking ACH saying it’s his division and his company before suplexing ACH onto the entrance stage. ACH rolls his way back into the ring at 19 and a half just avoiding the count out. Phantasmo continues his dirty tactics by biting ACH’s fingers before standing on them. Koslov admits to being a fan of Bullet Club, but not of Phantasmo calling him despicable. Phantasmo does his walking the ropes strut before getting kicked off by ACH. ACH hits a soccer kick on the apron followed by a springboard cutter for a 2 count. ACH hits a snap German suplex into a pin for a very close 2 count. ACH climbs the top but Phantasmo hits a kick to knock him, before hitting a hurricanrana off the top rope, followed by a splash for a two. Phantasmo calls for the CR2 but it’s reversed, before Phantasmo reverses himself for a Styles Clash for only two. Phantasmo hits a knee against the ropes and says ‘goodbye and goodnight’ as he attempts the One-Winged Angel, but ACH gets out, hits a flurry of kicks followed by a brain buster for 2 and a half. ACH goes to the top rope very slowly but Phantasmo knocks him down tries to apply a move but ACH reverses for a flying gut buster for a two count, goes back up to hit Midnight Star but Phantasmo puts his knees up, pushes him into the referee and hits a low blow with a roll up, but this time only gets a two count. Phantasmo does connect with the super kick but takes his time to cover, instead hits the CR2 finally for the first time tonight for the pin.
Super J-Cup 2020 Winner: El Phantasmo by pinfall at 16:11
After the match they present a bent-out-of-shape Super J-Cup trophy to Phantasmo, which he takes and breaks into pieces over his knees. As he tries to put the Golden Jacket on, he gets upset at the paper inside and takes it off, slamming it down and spitting on it disgracefully before throwing it out of the ring asking for a mic. He claims disrespect has been shown to “Mr. Back-to-Back”; he says this junior division is his but says that there is one problem in his way: Hiromu Takahashi, challenging him to a match at Wrestle Kingdom. He does end up putting the jacket back on before leaving.
Siino Vision: El Phantasmo wins the Super J-Cup for the second year in a row, something only its creator, Jushin “Thunder” Liger has been able to do. El Phantasmo obviously played super heel throughout the show but I felt at times, he was a bit over the top, resulting in the referee showing too much leniency throughout the entire card. If the goal was for you to hate Phantasmo and to want to see him eventually get his comeuppance, then mission accomplished.
Overall, I am a huge fan of one night tournaments, especially ones that involve multiple promotions such as GCW, ROH, Impact and NJPW. It was great to see the familiar faces of what can be called ‘the COVID Era’ of wrestling who have shown up in all these promotions and many more throughout the year. Injuries and fatigue were a big factor throughout, as they should be in one night tournaments, and it was expected but warranted that an established NJPW wrestling would come out the winner.
8 Golden Jackets out of 10