IMPACT on AXS notes: Loser Leaves match, Scott D’Amore back as President, Rascalz interfere again

Photo Courtesy: IMPACT Wrestling

It is official that on the July 27th IMPACT on AXS, Zicky Dice and Johnny Swinger will meet in a Loser Leaves IMPACT match. Also scheduled for the next episode is Eric Young versus Nick Aldis in addition to The Coven (Taylor Wilde & KiLynn King) taking on Dani Luna and newly crowned Knockouts World Champion Trinity. 

Scott D’Amore’s leave of absence is done and he is back as President of the company. He threw The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) out of the venue for suggesting they would interfere in Chris Bey and Ace Austin’s World Tag Title rematch against Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster). When the match took place, Wentz and Miguel got involved and cost Bey and Austin the titles again. 

There was a sit-down interview segment with Jonathan Gresham and Tom Hannifan. Gresham expressed that he’s looking for an environment with rules and stated that maybe the environment he’s in is not for him. 

The final segment of the night saw the returning Josh Alexander and IMPACT World Champion Alex Shelley agreeing to a match. X Division Champion Lio Rush entered the fray and brought up Option C. Rush was interrupted by Ultimate X winner KUSHIDA, who said there’s no Option C until he gets past him. Bully Ray made his entrance and put the babyfaces in the ring on guard. From behind, Moose and Brian Myers ambushed Shelley, KUSHIDA and Alexander. 

John E. Bravo appeared and helped Dirty Dango defeat Santino Marella. 

Eric Young is back in IMPACT and to read his comments about his departure from WWE, POST Wrestling has you covered at this link.

About Andrew Thompson 9115 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.