SUNNY retires from in-ring competition due to spinal stenosis

A press conference was held to formally announce the news. 

The women’s wrestling promotion/group ‘Evolution’, which was launched by 7-time AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion Suwama, held a press conference to announce that one of their talents is retiring

SUNNY, who debuted in March is stepping away from the ring due to spinal stenosis. In mid-September, after competing in a match, SUNNY was rushed to an emergency room as she was experiencing worsening numbness in her hands and feet. 

It was discovered that she had spinal stenosis and a doctor relayed to her that if she continued to wrestle, there’s a chance that she’ll do damage to her spinal cord and that would lead to paralysis. 

SUNNY will continue to be a part of Evolution as a staff member. She retired after only 13 matches.

About Andrew Thompson 9915 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.

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