Declan McMahon says he and his college friends could form ‘The Meaner Street Posse’ one day

Photo Courtesy: @shanemcmahon on X

Declan McMahon, Shane’s eldest son, has said he and his friends might one day form ‘The Meaner Street Posse’ in WWE.

The 19-year-old Indiana University freshman gave an interview to Jim Varsallone of The Miami Herald, which was published on Wednesday.

The chat concentrated heavily on football, as Declan is a running back for the Hoosiers, but there was also time for some WWE chat.

On the prospect of taking to the ring some day, Declan said:

My dad had the Mean Street Posse. But we were thinking, like, what if we have a Meaner Street Posse, right? What if we get some of those big guys? [his defensive line teammates]…We got a ton of talent here. And we got a lot of characters and charisma on the team. So you know, it could be.

He also floated the idea of he and his two younger brothers all getting involved:

I mean, my brother’s got it. You know, he’s got a knack for it in the sense of, you know, he’s super physical, just such a great athlete. You know, my brother Kenyon, I mean, you’ll see it in this high school football tape, and he’s doing wrestling in the winter. So, I mean, he’s just he’s a great athlete.

 And my brother Rogan, too, you know, he’s younger right now, but he’s he’s a big old boy. He’s going to be pretty big. So, we’ll see. Obviously, in the WWE, as you know, it’s all about storyline, right? Maybe you can have a bloodline storyline with us. So, yeah, you really never know. The possibilities are endless.

Declan added that he talked to his father about booking ideas:

We’ll talk about it in the sense of what it would look like, what it would entail, things like that. Obviously, you know, WWE does a great job down in Florida with the Performance Center and helping athletes get ready…If that time comes, they would be all for it, especially my dad. My dad would definitely be all for it.

There was a reality check about his age when it was suggested he could have taken the 24/7 Championship from NFL player Rob Gronkowski:

That would have been cool but, I mean, I think when Gronk won, it was during Covid. So I would have been, what, 16? Obviously, I’ve matured so much since then, just physically, mentally. When you have a 16-year-old winning the 24/7 title, I don’t think we would get behind that very much in sense of believing it.

He also revealed that he calls Vince McMahon “Pop”, and he spoke about his favorite wrestlers:

Obviously, my dad, but I mean, Undertaker was amazing. You know, obviously, they had a bunch of great matches. I always say The Undertaker, right? John Cena, obviously, he’s just a larger-than-life superstar. I would say those two in particular.

Randy Orton, just in the sense of what he’s done for the business and also what they do as family men. Randy and Mr. Calloway, it’s always family first. I know Randy has his boys and Undertaker has his daughters. You see these guys on TV, and they’re larger than life. But you know, deep down there, they’re just such great parents and such great role models as well.

About Neal Flanagan 958 Articles
Based in Northern Ireland, Neal Flanagan is a former newspaper journalist and copy editor. In addition to reporting for POST Wrestling, he co-hosts The Wellness Policy podcast with Wai Ting and Jordan Goodman.