Spike Dudley tells story of Roddy Piper becoming frustrated with John Cena Sr. at indie show

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Piper “b*tch slapped” Cena Sr. in the ring later that night. 

J.B.L. (John Bradshaw Layfield) and Gerald Brisco pushed out an episode of their Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw show featuring Spike Dudley. 

As the conversation rolled on, Spike told a story involving the late ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper. It had to do with Piper becoming frustrated with John Cena Sr. at an independent show. Piper was signing a multitude of autographs and his line was out of the door. 

Due to the amount of people waiting to get a signing, the show was delayed an hour. Come show time, Cena Sr. went to the ring and cut a promo on Piper. Spike stated that Roddy was upset in the locker room but later, he “b*tch slapped” Cena Sr. in the ring. 

After my release (from WWE), when I was working the indies, one of the guys that you’d see regularly was John Cena’s dad. You ever met him? He plays a heel manager on the indie scenes just for sh*ts and giggles but he’s the sweetest guy, he’s the nicest guy in the world. Although he pissed off Roddy Piper one day… Alright, so we’re working an indie show. How it worked, the indie show brought in Roddy Piper to sell autographs and whatnot and the place is mobbed, it’s packed and the line for his autograph is out the door and the show is supposed to start 7 o’clock and it’s like 8:15 and the line is still out the door. So we gotta start getting the show going. So Mr. Cena, which is what I always call him. I don’t know what his first name is. John Cena’s dad, who’s the heel manager, goes into the ring and grabs the mic and starts cutting a promo on Piper who’s sitting behind the crowd signing autographs and Piper’s like, what the hell? I’m the babyface. I gotta go beat the crap out of you but he couldn’t do anything because he’s signing autographs and Piper got pissed and finally, the line ends. Piper comes back and he’s got — I’d met him that night but I stopped him when he came through. I was like, ‘Roddy, I know you’re pissed. He doesn’t know any better. He’s just trying to help the show. He doesn’t understand the business, the old school’ and he’s like, ‘I’m gonna kill him.’ ‘He was just trying to help.’ So anyways, he calmed down. He still b*tch slapped the hell out of him in the ring though when he got a chance. But, yeah, I thought Piper was gonna kill Mr. Cena in the locker room that night.

Cena Sr.’s relationship with his son John Cena was discussed during a media appearance in 2023. To read what John said about his father, head over to this link

If the quote in this article is used, please credit Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcription.

About Andrew Thompson 9889 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.