GCW Cage of Survival 3: Mance Warner leaves as GCW Champion

Photo Courtesy: GCW

Cage of Survival 3
The Terminal
Showboat Hotel
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Cage of Survival 3: EFFY vs. Mance Warner 

The crowd went nuts as both men came to the ring. They stood face to face as the bell rang and started trading punches right away, with Effy gaining the early advantage with a series of clotheslines into a backdrop. Effy splashed Mance in the corner and hit a Sack Ryder followed by an Over the Rainbow for a near fall. Effy isolated Mance in the corner and hit him with repeated punches. Tubes and chairs were sent into the ring.

Effy broke a tube over Mance’s head and then carved his head with the broken glass. Effy ground Mance’s face against the steel cage, further busting him open. Effy Sabu’d Mance a couple of times before headbutting a tube into his head. Mance got the advantage and beat Effy across the back with a steel chair, followed by a vicious tube shot to his head.

They battled in the corner, and Effy fired up with a series of punches and repeated slaps to Mance’s face. They battled on the top rope above the open side of the cage, which also had a couple of panes of glass in it. Mance got the advantage and superplexed Effy off the top rope through the glass and steel mesh. Effy gave Mance Warner a leg sweep on the crushed steel mesh and broken glass, but it was only good for a two-count.

Effy ducked a chair shot and booted Mance in the face before hitting him repeatedly over the head with the chair. Effy set a door up in the center of the ring and poured lighter fluid all over it. Mance got back up and leveled Effy with a running knee before chokeslamming him through the flaming door, but Effy was able to kick out. Mance continued to break bundles of tubes over Effy’s head, but Effy fired up and booted Mance in the face, spearing him with a bundle of tubes.

Mance got up into the cage, and Effy came charging at him as they broke through the cage and into a barbed wire net. Effy gave him a piledriver in the net for good measure, but it still wasn’t enough to put Mance down. This was a perfect spot, perfect execution from Effy and Mance along with the ring crew. Effy fired up and hit Mance with a bundle before powerbombing him through a pane of glass in the center of the ring for a two count.

Mance speared Effy through a pane of glass in the corner and crawled his way to the center, but Effy kicked out at one and gave him a Sack Ryder as they both fell in exhaustion. Mance hit Effy across the back with a steel chair. Mance removed the screwdriver and went to stab Effy, but he got it stuck in a door, which allowed Effy to beat him over the back with a series of tubes.

They set up a triple stack of doors and glass and set it on fire as Effy dropped Mance through it for the victory. This was an incredible match that culminated in one of the year’s best storylines, both of these guys worked their asses off to deliver a spectacle that also told a story. Two of the best workers in the world.

EFFY Defeated Mance Warner 

Megan Bayne vs. Speedball Mike Bailey 

Megan used her size and strength advantage early to knock Bailey off his feet and to the floor, where he took a breather. He re-entered the ring and again tried to overpower Megan but still wasn’t successful. Megan hit him with a lariat followed by a forearm, then a butterfly suplex followed by a big splash for a two count as Bailey again rolled to the floor. Megan didn’t want to wait and went out to the floor herself, hitting him with a big forearm shot across his mouth. Megan used her strength advantage to get Bailey up in a vertical suplex position and walked him around ringside. Bailey was able to wriggle out of it, shoved her shoulder-first into the ring post, and hit her with the triangle moonsault. Speedball locked in a cross-arm breaker on the floor to further damage Megan’s already injured shoulder.

Bailey continued to target Megan’s shoulder with a series of kicks. Megan tried to fight out of it with her good arm and was able to hit Bailey with a big exploder suplex for a two-count. Despite her injured shoulder, Megan hit a fallaway slam. She went for a powerbomb, but Bailey got out of it and knocked her down with a vicious kick to her chest. He attempted a standing shooting star press followed by a moonsault double knee, but she moved out of the way both times and hit him with a bottom rope deadlift suplex, launching Bailey back into the ring. Megan rushed in and nailed Bailey with a forearm, followed by a leaping lariat that turned Bailey inside out.

They battled on their knees, with Megan leveling Bailey again with a forearm and going for a tombstone. However, Bailey slinked through and locked in a cross-arm breaker. She was able to lace her fingers, but he shifted position, locking her in a triangle choke. The crowd willed her on as she lifted Bailey up and powerbombed him into the corner. Megan charged into the corner but ate a boot from Bailey. He went for the Ultimate Weapon, but she met him up on the top rope, only to get kicked in the head and hit with a powerbomb. He opted not to go for the cover and hit her with a shooting star press, but it was only good for a two-count.

Bailey rocked Megan with a superkick and elevated her to the top for the Flamingo Driver, but Megan got out of it and powerbombed Bailey for a two-count. As he kicked out, he locked in another arm breaker. She was able to get out of it but ate more superkicks. Bailey went for the tornado kicks, but Megan took him out with a leaping lariat followed by a chokeslam into a tombstone for the victory.

Megan Bayne Defeated Speedball Mike Bailey 

Yuki Ishikawa and Hideyoshi Kamitani vs. Gahbage Daddies 

Price and Yuki started the match off for their respective teams. Yuki tried to take Price off his feet with a shoulder tackle. Price did the same, but neither man budged. Price then gained some momentum and took Yuki down with a springboard crossbody. Price tagged in Cole, and they ran wild on Yuki with tandem tag offense. Kamitami slammed both Radrick and Price, dropping an elbow, but Cole managed to kick out at the last second.

Yuki lit Cole up with a series of kicks, but Cole responded with a bottom rope stunner. Kawa countered it and powerbombed Cole for a two-count. Yuki grabbed a barbed wire board from under the ring and placed it barbs-first on Cole in the corner. Kamitami splashed him in the corner, then Yuki placed the barbed wire door on top of him and came off the top rope with a double stomp, which led to Cole’s arm being impaled by the barbs.

Cole went for a double stunner but was caught and suplexed through the barbed wire door. Price came off the top with a leg drop but was turned inside out by Kamitani. Price managed to hit a rebound lariat, and Cole set Yuki up on his shoulders for a top rope double stomp for the victory.

Gahbage Daddies Defeated Yuki Ishikawa and Hideyoshi Kamitani 

Big Fucking Joe vs. Matt Tremont 

Tremont stormed the ring and blasted Joe over the head with a beautifully built light tube bundle. Joe went to the floor, and Tremont followed in hot pursuit, breaking tubes over each other’s heads and sending glass flying into the audience. Tremont dropped Joe back-first on the edge of the ring, grabbed a BBQ fork, and screamed, “Black Abdullah” in homage to the greatest quote of all time: Abdullah the Butcher calling Matt Tremont “The Black Abdullah The Butcher.” No one knew what it meant, and no one will ever know, but it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.

“Black Abby” started working over Joe with the BBQ fork, busting him open even further. Tremont sent Big Joe spine-first into eight-foot tubes set up in the corner. Joe was able to reverse and charged Tremont, who made contact with the glass chest-first, followed by a tube-assisted cannonball from Joe. Joe put two clothes hangers into Tremont’s mouth and fishhooked him, but Tremont refused to give up. Joe hit Tremont with ten punches in the corner, grabbed a gusset plate, hammered it into Tremont’s head, and hit him over the head with a steel chair for good measure, driving the gusset further into Tremont’s head.

Tremont fired up, took Joe down with repeated lariats, and dropped an elbow in honor of Abby. He set up a door with tubes on it in the corner and drove Joe through it with a Death Valley Driver for the victory.

Matt Tremont Defeated Big Fucking Joe

Matt Cardona’s GCW World Championship Gauntlet of Survival:

John Wayne Murdoch vs. Kasey Catal

Kasey came charging to the ring with a gusset plate bat, Murdoch ducked the original swing but she connected firmly on the second and third one busting Murdoch’s arm wide open. Kasey fired up with a series of forearms but Kasey went to the top rope and was hit with a flatiner but Kasey was able to kick out. Murdoch grabbed the gusset bat and worked over Kasey’s forehead and stomach busting her open, Deathmatch Royalty coiled back in disgust as Murdoch worked her over right in front of them at ringside. Kasey came off the second rope with a crossbody but Murdoch was able to pull her across the ropes throat first and started to choke her. Murdoch swung at Kasey and connected with an elbow to her ear, she ducked a clothesline and hit oen of her own for a near fall of her own. Kasey called for a door which was set up in the corner, Murdoch popped back up and hit her with a piledriver through the door to advance to the next round of the gauntlet. 

John Wayne Murdoch eliminated Kasey Catal 

John Wayne Murdoch vs. 1 Called Manders 

Murdoch begged for mercy but Manders didn’t care and went to work right away chopping Murdoch and hitting him with repeated headbutts. Murdoch bailed out of the ring, Manders followed as he grabbed a steel chair and hit Murdoch across the back with it a couple of times. Manders went under the ring and brought a door inside the ring and hit him in the stomach repeatedly with a steel chair, Murdoch was able to ground Manders with a steel chair across his head but it still wasn’t enough to put the big man down. Murdoch grabbed a chair and beat Manders over the back and head with it. They each took a seat in the ring and started to slap each other across the face followed by repeated forearm and headbutts. Murdoch had enough and beat Manders over the head with a steel chair and hit him with a crossbody knocking Madners out of the chair. They battled on their knees with more chops, Manders fired up with a lariat but Murdoch somehow was able to get his shoulder up. Manders set up a door in the corner and powerslammed Murdoch through it for a two count. Manders used the broken door as a weapon as he beat him across the back with it but Murdoch fired up and hit Manders with a brainbuster to eliminate Manders.

John Wayne Murdoch eliminated 1 Called Manders

John Wayne Murdoch vs. Microman 

Microman ran wild on Murdoch with some stomps and punches followed by a facebuster for a two-count. Microman bit Murdoch in the ass but was booted by the much larger Murdoch. Murdoch worked him over with a steel chair as Cardona looked on in horror. Murdoch jammed a chair leg into Microman’s eye but it still wasn’t enough to put the little guy away. The crowd chanted asshole at Murdoch as he signaled for a brainbuster but Microman was able to shift his weight and pinned Murdoch.

Microman eliminated John Wayne Murdoch 

Microman vs. Shane Mercer 

As Mercer was walking around ringside they captured a beautiful shot over his shoulder of Microman looking on at his next battle. The crowd chanted over here as he started to choke at Microman. Mercer drove Micro’s head repeatedly into the mat as he pled with him to get up, Micro was able to trip up Mercer and hit him with a 619 which elated Deathmatch Royalty at ringside, Mercer got back up to his feet and picked up Microman and hit him with Moonsault and battery to eliminate Microman. 

Shane Mercer eliminated Microman

Shane Mercer vs Jordan Oliver

Oliver sent Mercer to the floor with a forearm, took him out with a crossbody, and rammed him headfirst into the ring post. Oliver lit him up with chops before sending him back into the ring; Mercer rolled out of the ring and Oliver went for a diving DDT but Mercer caught him and drove him back first into the ring post. Mercer fired up, sent Jordan face first into the steel post, chopped him repeatedly, and hit him with a brain buster back in the ring for a near fall. Oliver landed a kick to the back of Mercer’s head but was quickly dropped with a back elbow into a Popup fall-away slam for another near fall for Mercer. Mercer set Oliver up for moonsault and battery but Oliver got out of it and hit Mercer with a sunset powerbomb followed by a super kick. Mercer caught Oliver coming off the top rope and slammed him on his knee; Oliver was placed on the top rope again and hit Oliver with the moonsault and battery but Oliver shifted his weight and got the pin on Mercer. 

Jordan Oliver Eliminated Shane Mercer 

After the pin, Mercer continued to beat Oliver down before Charles Mason eventually made his way to the ring to a chorus of “fuck you”

Jordan Oliver vs. Charles Mason

Mason slithered into the ring and wiped Jordan’s blood over his own face before starting to go to work on the already busted forehead. Mason dropped Oliver on the back of his head with a straight jacket suplex but Oliver was able to get his shoulder up at the last second. Oliver chopped his way out of the corner but was caught by a big Death Valley Driver, Oliver was choked with Mason’s belt and went for a Cloutcutter but Mason caught him out of midair with a sleeper hold but Oliver was able to break the hold by getting to the ropes. Oliver fired up with some leaping clothesline followed by a big stinger splash in the corner. Oliver went for the Acid Bomb but Mason fought out of it only to be hit with two cloutcutters but Mason was again able to kick out. Oliver went for an Acid Bomb but Mason spat in his face and hit him with a cradle piledriver to eliminate Jordan Oliver. 

Charles Mason eliminated Jordan Oliver 

Joey Janela was announced as the final competitor but due to an attack earlier in the day, he was medically unable to compete. Joey’s music played but no one came out, Cardona gave Joey until the count of 10. Nick Gage’s music hit.  

Nick Gage vs. Charles Mason

The king came to the ring and hit Mason with a piledriver but Mason kicked out. Gage grabbed the pizza cutter and started to cut away at Mason’s forehead, hitting him with a choke breaker to become the new champion. 

Nick Gage Defeated Charles Mason to become a four-time GCW World Champion

Cardona got on the mic and announced that Jimmy Lloyd was a new entrant. 

Broski Jimmy Lloyd vs. Nick Gage 

Jimmy hit Gage over the head with the championship belt and a chair across Gage’s

Head. The crowd surged to ringside as the match continued on, Gage fought back and was again dropped with a chairshot to his head. Broski set up a door in the corner and drove Gage head first into the turnbuckle. Jimmy was Sabu’d by Gage and set Lloyd up in the corner for a face wash but Jimmy kicked out. Gage set up a door bridge, set Jimmy up on the top rope, and hit him with a piledriver through the door. The ref went to count the pin but Cardona pulled her out of the ring. Broski hit Gage with a tube bundle followed by the rough Ryder but Gage again kicked out. Jimmy speared Gage through a door followed by another Radio Silence to pin the king. 

Jimmy Lloyd Defeated Nick Gage to become the new GCW World Champion 

Joey Janela’s music hit as he staggered to the ring 

Joey Janela Vs. Jimmy Lloyd 

Joey super-kicked Jimmy and sent Cardona and SDL to the floor. Hit Jimmy over the head with the championship belt and hit him with a top rope double stomp to pin Jimmy Lloyd. 

Joey Janela Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd to become the new GCW World Champion

Cole Radrick tried to cash in his brass ring but SDL speared him through a door which gave Mance Warner the opening to Rush ringside. 

Mance Warner vs. Joey Janela 

Mance Warner cashed in his do-or-die rumble victory. 

Mance charged down to the ring, beat up Janela hit him with a DDT on the belt, and pinned him to become the new world champion. 

Mance Warner Defeated Joey Janela to become the new GCW World Champion

About Jon Pine 174 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.