Cody Deaner weighs in on WWE-TNA relationship, idea of TNA talents jumping ship after contracts expire

Photo Courtesy: TNA Wrestling

The idea of it was brought up to Deaner during an interview. 

Cody Deaner’s history with TNA Wrestling dates back to 2009 and present day, he’s with the company as a talent and producer. The subject of the ongoing relationship between WWE and TNA was brought up to him during an interview on Sunday Night’s Main Event

In response to the idea of TNA talents jumping ship to WWE after their contracts expire in the midst of the relationship, Deaner said the following: 

It’s possible. I don’t think that that’s what’s gonna happen (Deaner said in response to idea of TNA talents jumping ship to WWE after their contract expiration date). But, yes, I could see why your mind might go there. It’s hard to make those predictions because it’s all hearsay and it’s all just conjecture and I don’t know, maybe, and it’s early on in the relationship. A couple things came to mind as you were talking. I think the other inverse is, oh, not only does it help — oh, that makes TNA look good, to the wrestling fans. I think it also, in the WWE’s management office position, they realize, oh, these people are good. Because Jordynne (Grace) is a top-of-the-line star in professional wrestling, period, end of story and TNA has multiple people that are stars in wrestling, period, end of story and regardless of what happens in terms of the optics of farm systems or the optics of contracts and what happens, TNA is in a unique position and has been since day one of the company. People that wrestle and work for TNA, myself included, I’m speaking from experience, are TNA wrestlers by choice because TNA Wrestling is a very special place and it has been since day one. It’s almost like the land of misfit toys… Again, me speaking from experience, no other wrestling company saw my value, saw, what can this guy offer to the wrestling business in general? The only company over my 25 years, a major wrestling company on television that’s done that is TNA Wrestling. So they hold a very special place in my heart and I’m a proud misfit toy of professional wrestling that’s like, no, I do have something to offer. I have a lot to offer and this company sees that and they’ve done that for not (only) myself, but so, so, so many people and we’ve seen over the years, those same misfit toys that never got a look, all of sudden, now they’re major stars in the WWE and are champions and the list is long of ex-TNA wrestlers that became WWE superstars. That list is long so sure, that’s gonna happen because that’s just the way the business works. But, TNA is a special place, it will continue to be a special place and it’s just exciting to see what’s gonna happen in both these special places… Cool things are gonna happen and I’m sure more cool things are gonna happen that I don’t know about until they happen just like what happened with Jordynne Grace so, it’s fun to speculate and ask those questions like you said but I don’t know the answer. All I know is that it’s exciting.

TNA’s Ash by Elegance got involved in the NXT Women’s Championship match at Battleground between the champion Roxanne Perez and Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace. 

Ash dove into her appearance and to read her comments, click here

If the quote in this article is used, please credit Sunday Night’s Main Event with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcription.

About Andrew Thompson 9127 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.