GCW No Sleep 2024 Results: Zilla Fatu vs. John Wayne Murdoch

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW: No Sleep 2024
June 28, 2024
Premier Arena
Houston, Texas 

Match Recommendations: 

Mance Warner’s Promo
Zilla Fatu vs. John Wayne Murdoch 
Los Desperados vs. Los Macizos 
1 Called Manders vs. Brick Savage

Commentary: Dave Prazak and Emil Jay

Singles Match: Broski Jimmy Lloyd vs. Dulce Tormenta

Jimmy rocked Dulce with an elbow and started to work over her arm. She used the top rope for leverage to break out of his hold and took him down with a head scissors and an arm drag, sending him to the floor. Dulce went for a dive, but Jimmy moved out of the way. Luckily, she was able to put on the brakes but was caught with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a quick near fall.

Dulce lit Jimmy up with a series of overhand chops followed by an inverted stunner. She went for a running hip attack, but Jimmy moved out of the way and went for the Broski Boot. She dodged it and spiked Jimmy with a DDT. Jimmy rolled to the floor, and Dulce wiped him out with a big tope, but Jimmy fired up with a series of Broski Boots followed by the Radio Silence, which was still only good for a two count.

Dulce hit Jimmy with double knees to his back and face before nailing him with a destroyer for the victory.

Dulce Tormenta Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd 

Singles Match: Joey Janela vs. Chris Carter 

The two men shook hands to start the match before Joey began swinging wildly at Carter. Carter ducked the punches and connected with a flurry of punches of his own. Carter took Janela down with a head scissors but was met with a kick to the back of his head for good measure. Joey went to the floor to try and walk it off but was taken out by Carter, who came off the top with a big dive. Chris went for a handspring, but Joey caught him and launched him with a German suplex followed by a Dragon suplex for a near fall. Carter spiked Joey with a springboard Dragonrana. Joey went to the floor where he caught a diving Carter and dumped him on the floor with a Death Valley Driver, followed by another one in the ring, but again Carter kicked out. Joey went under the ring, brought out a door and a chair, and set up a door bridge on the floor. Chris jumped Janela from behind and placed him on the door bridge. Chris came off the balcony with a splash, sending them both crashing through the door. Joey was brought back into the ring and hit with a shooting star press, but Janela kicked out. Janela nailed Carter with an uppercut, chopped away at his chest, and hit him with a package piledriver for the pin and the win.

Joey Janela Defeated Chris Carter

Singles Match: 1 Called Manders vs. Brick Savage

The two men started with a stiff lock-up. Manders hit Savage with an overhand chop, then sent him over the top rope with a lariat as they began brawling on the floor. Manders placed Savage on a chair and got a head of steam before Savage pounced him into the second row. Manders was sent back into the ring but got the head start on Savage, kneeing him in the gut and hitting him with a DDT. Savage responded with an overhead suplex which stunned the big man from Iowa. Savage tried to lift Manders once again but was leveled with a big lariat from Manders. Savage kicked out at one and powerbombed Manders before getting hit with another lariat for the pinfall victory.

1 Called Manders Defeated Brick Savage

Singles Match: Fuego Del Sol vs. Jordan Oliver 

The two men battled for position early, with neither one able to gain an advantage as they wrestled to a stalemate. They locked up again in a test of strength, and Oliver took Sol down with a shoulder tackle. They exchanged chops before taking the fight to the floor. Sol took Oliver out with a big dive to the floor, followed by a second-rope missile dropkick and a series of chops in the corner. 

Oliver fired up with a flurry of offense, hitting a stiff superkick followed by a swinging neckbreaker, but it was only good for a two-count. Oliver went for Shellshock, but Fuego fought him off with a series of dropkicks in the corner and a low superkick, though Jordan was able to get his shoulder up. Fuego went for a Tornado DDT, but Oliver connected with a lariat that turned Fuego inside out.

The two men exchanged hard strikes in the center of the ring. Fuego was caught on the top rope and went for the Acid Bomb, but Fuego hit him with a rana that sent Oliver to the floor. Sol hit a Fosbury Flop and rolled Oliver back into the ring for a Spiral Tap, but Oliver moved out of the way and hit him with a superkick. They traded near falls before Oliver finally captured the win with a roll-up.

Jordan Oliver Defeated Fuego Del Sol 

Post Match: Charles Mason jumped Del Sol from behind to beat him down with a steel chair and choked him with his suit jacket before he started to tear away at his mask. Oliver returned from the back and made the save for Del Sol as Mason slinked his way to the back. 

Oliver vs. Charles Mason for Worst Behavior in Toronto 7/5

Scramble Match: Sam Stackhouse vs. Bobby Flaco vs. Shota vs. Epydemius Jr. vs. Calibus vs. Mago

Everyone tried to gang up on Stackhouse, but he easily shrugged them all off and took them down with clotheslines, sending them all to the floor. Stackhouse took down the shoulder straps and took flight, bowling over all of his competition. Stackhouse sent Mago and Flaco back into the ring; they took him out and started beating each other up with a series of kicks and strikes. Flaco went to the top rope and dove to the floor, taking everyone out again. He took Mago out with a diving lariat, but it was only good for a two-count.

Calibus returned to the ring. Flaco was able to avoid some of Calibus’s offense before he fell to a series of superkicks and a stiff kick across his chest. Flaco was sent to the floor as Epydemius Jr. took his spot with Calibus. Jr. showed off his high-flying offense and took Calibus down with an arm drag. Shota launched himself out of the ring with a tope. Mago took out Calibus with a low dropkick of his own before taking out Jr. with a more high-powered offense and a tope to the floor. Stackhouse was taken out with another set of superkicks but eventually returned and slammed Epydemius Jr. for the victory.

Sam Stackhouse wins the Scramble Match 

GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Dante Leon 

Dante fired away at Mance Warner when Jimmy Lloyd came out of the locker room and jumped Leon from behind. The champion and the Broski beat down Leon as Mance continued to run down Dante Leon and the city of Houston. Mance beat Dante down with a steel chair before Manders came from the locker room to save Dante Leon. The fans chanted “Hawk Tua” at Mance Warner as Manders challenged Mance Warner and Jimmy Lloyd to a tag team match in Dallas.

No Contest

Tag Team Match: Los Desperados vs. Los Macizos 

Arez and Miedo started the match battling for position with various lucha holds and arm drags before wrestling to a stalemate. They each tagged in their partners, who picked up where they left off with neither man able to gain a real advantage. All four men began trading a flurry of punches inside the ring. Arez hit Los Macizos with a double DDT and then ran across each of their backs with repeated kicks. Gringo went to the top and hit both of his opponents with a moonsault. Macizos went to the floor, only to be taken out by both members of Los Desperados, who each hit topes.

Gringo and Arez set up a door bridge on the floor before hitting their opponents with dueling cutters inside the ring. Macizos fired up and hit a series of tag team moves on Arez. Los Macizos hit Loco with a Poisonrana followed by a moonsault, but Arez returned to save his partner with a powerbomb on Miedo for a close near fall. Arez missed with a big boot, and Miedo took advantage, hitting him with a leaping DDT. Loco returned and started exchanging chops with Miedo but was quickly taken out with a tope on the floor.

All four men were working their asses off in the extreme heat of Texas. Ciclope Sabu’d Arez and dumped him neck-first onto the seats of the chairs, but Arez was still able to get his shoulder up. Ciclope came off the apron and sent Arez through a door with a Destroyer as Gringo powerbombed Miedo into an open chair for a very close near fall. Gringo set up a door bridge in the center of the ring, propped Miedo up on the top rope, and sent him through the door with a Spanish Fly, followed by a top rope double stomp from Arez to secure the victory.

Los Desperados Defeated Los Macizos 

Deathmatch: John Wayne Murdoch vs. Zilla Fatu 

Something that will stay with me for a long time is Zilla’s Mom, I’m assuming, proudly marching around ringside with a cutout of her as the crowd went crazy for her son. That’s why wrestling is awesome—the little moments like that.

Murdoch said he was going to piss all over the Bloodline and his family and gave Zilla one more chance to leave the ring. Zilla didn’t respond kindly, hitting Murdoch with a quick F5 for a near fall. Zilla followed with a belly-to-belly suplex and dropped an elbow on The Duke for good measure. Zilla grabbed a bundle of tubes, and the crowd went wild as he unloaded on Murdoch with the bundle for another near fall. He then set up a pane of glass in the corner, placed Murdoch in front of it, and went for a spear. However, Murdoch moved out of the way, causing Zilla to crash headfirst into the glass.

Murdoch started working over Zilla on the floor, grabbing a torch and repeatedly beating Zilla’s back with it before wrapping it around his neck. Both men were bleeding profusely as Murdoch broke a bundle of tubes over Zilla’s exposed legs. He dragged a steel step into the ring and DDT’d Zilla onto them for a near fall. Murdoch then broke another bundle of tubes across Zilla’s lower back and started carving away at his forehead and hand, trying to neutralize the Samoan Spike.

Zilla went to the floor to get a reprieve, but Murdoch continued with a series of chops to the rookie’s chest. Murdoch set up a pane of glass across the second rope, but Zilla fired up and drove Murdoch through the glass with a Rock Bottom. Murdoch retaliated with a low blow and hit Zilla with a bundle of tubes, but it only fired Zilla up. Murdoch tried again, but Zilla ran through the tubes, taking Murdoch down with a lariat into a pop-up Samoan drop.

Zilla grabbed a door from underneath the ring, set it up on the floor, placed Murdoch on it, and then got a running start off the apron to splash Murdoch through the door. Zilla hit the Tournament of Survival 9 Champion with a Samoan Spike to claim the victory.

Zilla Fatu Defeated John Wayne Murdoch 


About Jon Pine 167 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.