WWE NXT notes: Shawn Michaels addresses Brooks Jensen, Oro Mensah & Ridge Holland to ‘miss’ Heatwave

Senior Vice President of NXT and Talent Relations, Shawn Michaels, appeared via a video package. He addressed Brooks Jensen’s run-ins on NXT television and his social media activity. He stated that Jensen was not ‘released’ from WWE. He invited him to the 7/9 NXT to chat with General Manager Ava about his future. 

Oro Mensah was told by Stevie Turner, who is an assistant to Ava, that he will not be at Heatwave because of his ongoing feud with Ethan Page. Page is co-headlining the Premium Live Event in an NXT Championship match. 

Elsewhere on the Heatwave front, Chase University’s Andre Chase asked Ridge Holland to stay back from the Tag Title match at the P.L.E. because it was revealed that Holland cheated in a match. 

The show opener saw Jaida Parker defeat Michin in a Street Fight. She used a hip attack to send both herself and Michin through a breakaway wall. Parker did the move again in the ring to secure the win.

There was a singles match between Oro Mensah and No Quarter Catch Crew’s Myles Borne. Borne was distracted by Damon Kemp trying to hand him brass knuckles. Mensah went on to defeat Myles. 

The duo of Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson called out OTM’s Bronco Nima and Lucien Price for 7/9.

About Andrew Thompson 8676 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.