NEWS Waka Tsukiyama undergoing surgery, returning to STARDOM in late June June 4, 2024 Andrew Thompson A procedure has been lined up for Waka Tsukiyama and she’ll be away from the promotion until late June 2024.
NEWS Waka Tsukiyama wins her first match since joining STARDOM in 2021 March 26, 2023 Andrew Thompson For the first time, Waka Tsukiyama won a match and the stakes were she had to win or leave STARDOM
NEWS Waka Tsukiyama states that she’ll leave STARDOM if she can’t win tag match on 3/25 March 7, 2023 Andrew Thompson March 25th is the deadline that Waka Tsukiyama was given to either win a match or leave Cosmic Angels. She upped the ante for herself
NEWS Koguma & Waka Tsukiyama sign with STARDOM December 4, 2021 Andrew Thompson Koguma and Waka Tsukiyama have officially joined STARDOM